Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last day in Brasilia

December 31 - visit to the Kandinsky exhibit at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (Bank of Brazil Cultural Center) in Brasilia, in the company of my best friend Alexandre Rocha and my mother. Photos without flash were allowed.

Alexandre Rocha and me

Photo by Alexandre Rocha

With my mother in the garden of the Cultural Center, with the space where you can see one of Kandinsky's paintings in a 3-D experience behind us. 

The installation (you go in with augmented reality glasses for a 3-D experience).


The exhibition Kandinsky: tudo começa num ponto (Kandinsky: everything starts at a point), at CCBB, presents texts, sounds and images that promise a real plunge into the roots of the thought of Wassily Kandinsky, a pioneer of abstractionism. 

The exhibition will remain at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - CCBB until January 12th, 2015 and brings together hundreds of works and objects from the artist, his contemporaneous and influences. From the bucolism of figurative works to the multi-colored geometrical figures - registered trademarks of Kandinsky and considered the first paintings totally abstract in art history. 

The exhibition is based on the collection of the State Museum of St. Petersburg and other work from Russian institutions, in addition to collections coming from Germany, Austria, England and France. As a result, a sequence of works that allows the public to a deep immersion in the artist’s creative universe and initial references. 

The exhibition is divided into five blocks, connecting the artist with the Russian popular culture and folklore; Kandinsky and the shamanism spiritual world of the North of  Russia; as well as the passage of the artist in Germany, snapping up a dialogue between music, painting and the paths opened by abstraction. 

According to the general director of the exhibition, Mr. Rodolfo Athayde, and the coordinator Ania Rodriguez, the show features “a Kandinsky poetic and lyrical, at the time of his creative peak, at the very moment of his discoveries." The result of it is a strong and challenging exhibition. 

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