Saturday, December 27, 2014

Monumental Axis (central avenue)

The Monumental Axis is the central avenue in Brasilia where the most important government buildings, monuments and memorials are located. 

The avenue begins on the 
National Congress building, and its first section is known as "Ministries Esplanade" ("Esplanada dos Ministérios"), as it is surrounded by ministries buildings. 

Photos with clouds -  Dec. 26  2014
With clear sky - Dec. 28 2014

Monumental Axis with the Congress and Cathedral monuments (by Oscar Niemeyer) visible in the distance 

The National Congress of Brazil (legislative body of Brazil's federal government). The inverted dome covers the House of Representatives, and the dome is where the Federal Senate is located.

Ministries Esplanade on Sunday Dec. 28 (view from the front of the National Congress, with the TV Tower (the third tallest structure of Brazil) visible in the distance.

Itamaraty Palace (headquarters of the Ministry of External Relations).

The Cathedral of Brasília

View of the central area of Brasilia opposite to the Ministries Esplanade, seen from the Cathedral.

Arts and crafts fair next to the TV tower

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